Update effectiviteit en kosten van verkeersveiligheidsmaatregelen : nieuwe schattingen voor elf maatregelen.

Wijnen, W. Weijermars, W.A.M. & Bos, Y.R.

Update effectiveness and costs of road safety measures : new estimates for eleven measures. This report presents a study into the effectiveness and costs of eleven road safety measures as an update of the earlier SWOV report Effectiveness and costs of road safety measures (R-2010-9). The information about the effects and costs of road safety measures can be used in research and policymaking, for example in ex-ante assessments of road safety policy or in road safety outlooks. This information is, among other things, required to determine (cost-)effectiveness of packages of measures and can serve as a basis to prioritize and select measures. The present report only discusses the measures in R-2010-9 for which a Dutch assessment study or a meta-analysis of effect studies is available. Furthermore, only those measures are included that are relevant for policymakers and other parties involved in the (preparation of) decision-making concerning road safety measures. This means that the measure should not yet be fully implemented and that possible users are yet to consider implementation of the measure.


Library number
C 51100 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2013, 55 p., 72 ref.; D-2013-7

SWOV publication

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