Uppföljningssystem och dokumentationsrutin för trafiksäkerhetsarbetet (= Evaluation systems and documentation routine for traffic safety work).

Nilsson, G. & Spolander, K.

The report shows how data on traffic and accidents can be used to describe changes in traffic safety and effects of traffic safety measures. The need for data for traffic safety work can be satisfied by three evaluation systems which describe traffic safety referring to traffic environment, vehicles and drivers, and other road users. In each system available information and routines are linked together making it possible to analyse three types of data, i.e., data on accidents and injuries, data on exposure, and data on various explanatory factors as for environment, vehicles and road users. In addition to the evaluation systems a documentation routine can be used to record traffic safety measures and other changes in the society that can explain or throw light on changes in traffic safety. (A)

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Library number
B 16418 S /80 / IRRD 56470

Linköping, National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1981, 71 p., ; VTI rapport 212 - ISSN 0347-6030

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