Urban intersection improvements for pedestrian safety. Volume III: Signal timing for the pedestrian.

Abrams, C.M. & Smith, S.A.

This report presents the final results of the signal timing element of the FHWA research project "Urban Intersection Improvements for Pedestrian Safety." The report discusses the research which was conducted, and recommends improvements in the timing of pedestrian traffic signals both to maximize safety and to minimize delay. Specifically, the elements covered in this volume include the following: Chapter II--Timing for a Combined Pedestrian--Vehicular Interval. This includes discussions of minimum WALK time, minimum clearance interval, and allocation of excess pedestrian time. Chapter III--Alternative Phasing Schemes. This includes an analysis of early and late release of pedestrians with respect to vehicles, scramble pedestrian timing, and signal phasing for the partial crossing of wide, channelized streets. Chapter IV--Other Areas of Pedestrian Signal Research, including time-of-day adjustments of pedestrain signal timing, application of correction factors to the Highway Capacity Manual based on vehicle and pedestrian activity levels, and general observations on pedestrian flow characteristics. (Author/publisher)

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Falls Church, BioTechnology Inc., 1977, 181 p., fig., ref., Report FHWA-RD-77-144

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