Urban transportation planning : a decision-oriented approach.

Meyer, M.D. & Miller, E.J.

This Second Edition of Urban Transportation Planning: A Decision-Oriented Approach, holds that the major purpose of transportation planning is to inform decision making. The material contained herein has been updated to include legislation, regulations, and other contextual factors that influence the substance and form of transportation planning. Chapters are devoted to: Definition and Context, Decision Making, Urban Travel and Transportation System Characteristics, Data Management and Use in Decision Making, Demand Analysis, Urban Activity System Analysis, Supply Analysis, Transportation System and Project Evaluation, and Program and Project Implementation.

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Library number
C 32334 /72 / ITRD E825726

New York, NY [etc.], McGraw-Hill, 2001, XIV + 642 p., 875 ref.; 2nd edition - ISBN 0-0724-2332-3

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