Ursachen und Begleitumstände der Verkehrsunfälle mit schwerem Personenschaden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Sammelband M: Synoptische Tabellen, Gesamtüberblick, Was für die Verkehrssicherheit getan werden muss.


Summary and analysis of 63084 third party risks cases sealing whith traffic accidents resulting in severe injuries, which have been reported in the Federal Republic during 1969. A survey is presented on the research done, and the results and consequences for the improvement of road safety. For each type of accident educational information is provided. Legal recommendation are made suggested. A subject index to all parts is added.

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Library number
B 1734 /81/

Hamburg, Verband der Haftpflicht-, Unfall- und Kraftverkehrsversicherer e. V., 1973, 158 p., tab.

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.