Use of building demolition wastes for road construction.

Cupo-Pagano, M. & d'Andrea, A.

This paper describes the treatment of waste material from building demolition to render it suitable for use in road construction. A fixed-site treatment plant receives the waste. It is sorted for quality and broken up further to enable the total removal of all metal from reinforced concrete, by the use of two electromagnets. The remaining solid waste is sorted for particle size. Dust and noise pollution are controlled at the exit of the plant as far as possible. The resulting materials have been found to be suitable for use in road construction without further treatment.


Library number
C 18666 (In: C 18645 [electronic version only]) /33 /36 / ITRD E109162

In: XXth world road congress of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses PIARC, Montreal, 3-9 September 1995 : individual papers presented under the auspices of the committees and working groups, p. 393-394

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