A user- oriented computer package for state's highway financial planning and allocation.

Tran, T.K. & Hobeika, A.G.

A computer- aided highway financial planning and analysis tool is described. It is flexible for incorporating changes; sensitive to policy decisions; has the capability of making financial forecasts; and is easy to use by decision makers. The computer package includes three major components; revenue forecast, expenditure estimation and fund allocation. Econometric models were developed for forecasting purposes whereas Virginia's highway codes were used for formulating the fund allocation algorithm.

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Library number
B 29393 (In: B 29371) /10 / IRRD 286228

In: Transportation toward the year 2000. Proceedings of the International Transport Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 23- 27, 1984, p.C3- C28, 11 ref. Volume IV: Finance and Administration.

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