Using behavioural measures to evaluate route safety schemes : detailed guidance for practitioners.

Helman, S. Ward, H.A. Christie, N. & McKenna, F.P.

There are various advantages to using behaviours as outcome evaluation metrics in route safety schemes. These include the length of time over which data can be collected being shorter than the three years normally used for the collection of accident data, and the fact that changes in behaviours targeted by route safety schemes can be used as an early warning system to check that the scheme is likely (or not) to have the desired impact on accidents over the long term. In this report, the case for carrying out appropriate evaluation of route safety schemes is made. The behaviours that are known to be related to collision risk and should be measurable in route safety settings are identified, along with methods by which they can be measured. In addition guidance on evaluation study design is given, including advice on sample sizes and the use of appropriate comparison groups and routes. Finally, examples of good practice that illustrate some of the key points made in the report are given, and additional resources to help road safety professionals plan evaluations are referenced. (Author/publisher)


Library number
20110434 ST [electronic version only]

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 2011, IV + 58 p., 64 ref.; Published Project Report ; PPR 548 - ISSN 0968-4093 / ISBN 978-1-84608-916-9

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