Using sobriety tests to increase awareness of alcohol impairment.

Russ, N.W. & Geller, E.S.

There is a need to investigate methods by which drinkers can be made aware of their level of alcohol impairment prior to driving. In the current research, 195 students at various blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels participated in an evaluation of three simple sobriety tests: a ruler drop /reaction time task, a balance test and a verbal task. Although self- reported measures of impairment were the best predictors of BAC, both the ruler drop and body balance tests accounted for significant portions of BAC variance.

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Library number
B 31778 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 801717

From: Health Education Research, 1 (1986), No. 4, p. 255- 261, 14 ref.

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