Utilities and roadside safety.


The purposes of this report are to compile the latest information on utility company, state department of transportation (DOT), and local highway agency roadside safety programs; to describe the current status of a combined federal and industry effort to implement roadside safety, including yielding poles; and to document recent developments in guardrail, concrete barrier, and crash cushion design to reduce utility maintenance costs, potential liability, and public health costs. Strategies are identified to deal with a relatively small number of poles on a prioritized, cost-effective basis. The report includes cost comparisons of various safety treatments for prioritized utility poles in highway rights-of-way, and a summary of the current status of litigation is given to provide an estimate of how recent precedents may affect future exposure. The report is presented in 8 chapters and 3 appendices: 1) Introduction; 2) Utility Pole Collisions; 3) Solutions; 4) Strategies; 5) Initiatives; 6) Legal Issues; 7) Professionalism; 8) Summary; A) Example of Recommended Guidelines for Utility Installations and Modifications; B) Example of Recommended Crash Reduction Program and Roadside Safety Treatments; and C) Examples of Lawsuits Involving Utility Pole Crashes.


Library number
C 36637 [electronic version only] /20 /82 /85 / ITRD E834376

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 2004, V + 68 p., 52 ref.; State of the Art report ; No. 9 - ISSN 0892-6891 / ISBN 0-309-09451-8

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.