UTOPIA : samenvattende rapportage activiteiten in 1999-2001 in het kader van Europese studie naar versnelling van de marktintroductie van milieuvriendelijke voertuigen.

Korver, W. Zwaneveld, P. Heyma, A.O. Riemersma, I.J. & Elzen, B.

The European project UTOPIA (Urban Transport Options for Propulsion systems and Instrument for Analysis) has the objective to provide decision-makers with the necessary tools, methods, and guidelines for stimulating the market introduction of the most appropriate transport solution based on new propulsion systems. From the Netherlands TNO Inro, TNO Automotive and the University Twente participated in this research. This report summarises the most important findings. Special attention is given to the guidelines for setting up, managing and evaluating a demonstration project and the analysis of the success factors of ongoing demonstration projects. In addition a reflection is made based on the specific Dutch context. (A)

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Library number
20020967 ST

Delft, TNO Instituut voor Verkeer en Vervoer, Logistiek en Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling Inro, 2002, XII + 84 p., 8 ref.; TNO Inro rapport 2002-18 / 02 7N 073 72711 - ISBN 90-6743-895-2

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