VEDYAC : a powerful aid in crash research.

Heijer, T.

The name VEDYAC is an acronym for VEhicle DYnamics And Crash. It pertains to a computer program capable of simulating a large variety of vehicles, vehicle manoevres and crash conditions in equally variable surroundings. These main features will be adstructed and some results of recent work are shown. An opponent remark is presented by E.Pullwitt.


Library number
B 30073 (In: B 30069 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 830657

In: A century of automobiles : past, present and future of automotive safety : scientific Meeting of the Research Institutes Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt (Federal Republic of Germany) and SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research (the Netherlands), The Hague, October 7th 1988, p. 45-54, 8 ref.

SWOV publication

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