Veilig, wat heet veilig? II : covernota met een eerste uitwerking van het rapport Veilig, wat heet veilig? op het terrein van infrastructuur, snelheidsbeheersing en jonge brom- en snorfietsers

Wegman, F.C.M. Brouwer, M. Dijkstra, A. Goldenbeld, C. Schagen, I.N.L.G. van Schoon, C.C. Wesemann, P. & Wiethoff, M.

Safe; what is safe? II; A first elaboration on the Safe; what is safe? report on the subjects infrastructure, speed control, and young mopedists and slopedists. In the Safe; what is safe? report (Wegman, 2001) SWOV indicated how the annual number of traffic casualties could be reduced considerably. These proposals could be regarded as the extension of proposals developed in the then National Traffic and Transport Plan (NTTP) of the Ministry of Transport. In this report, SWOV estimated that the annual number of road deaths could be reduced by c. 700. The SWOV proposal can be summarized in five main ideas: 1. obtaining greater public support for the implementation of a Sustainably Safe policy; 2. faster completion and a higher quality implementation of a sustainably safe road network ; 3. making an extra effort in speed control; 4. improving vehicles and application of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); 5. paying extra attention to road user groups with high crash rates (novice drivers, motorized two-wheelers). As a reaction to Safe; what is safe?, and in particular to the above-mentioned main ideas, the Ministry of Transport invited SWOV to further work out, scientifically justify, and test the feasibility of the recommendations. Three subjects were chosen for the first phase: 1. infrastructure: what are the bottlenecks when raising the pace of achieving a sustainably safe infrastructure and a higher quality, and how can these bottlenecks be solved? 2. speed limits: what are the possibilities that can be used the coming years to control driving speeds? 3. young mopedists and slopedists: how can the relatively large numbers be considerably reduced? The three above-mentioned subjects were further worked out in six reports: Wesemann (2003), Dijkstra (2003), Schoon (2003), Wiethoff (2003), Schoon & Goldenbeld (2003), and Van Schagen, Wegman & Roszbach (2004). This report covers the areas and makes use of the contents of these six reports. We have placed all the proposals made in them in the perspective of further developments around Sustainably Safe and the Mobility Memorandum that was published in 2004.


Library number
C 30605 [electronic version only] /10 /21 /72 /73 /83 /85 /90 /91 / ITRD E206808

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2004, 71 p., 37 ref.; R-2004-16

SWOV publication

This is a publication by SWOV, or that SWOV has contributed to.