Verhalten von Kindern als Fussgänger im Strassenverkehr : Stand der Forschung.

Limbourg, M. & Senckel, B.

Following an analysis of official statistics the behaviour of the child in traffic and the measure of exposure to danger are examined in detail. Finally the developmental-psychological, the personality psychological and the social psychological background for this behaviour are explained. The main results of the analysis are: child pedestrians in the 4 to 8 age group are the most endangered in road traffic, especially boys. Nearly half the accidents occur between the times of 7.00 to 8.00, 11.00 to 13.00 and 16.00 to 18.00 hrs. More accidents occur on week or school days than on public or school holidays. The majority of accidents occurs on stretches of road without intersections. Two thirds of the victims are to blame for their accidents. Social interactions play an important part in motivating incorrect behaviour. The most frequent injuries are to the head. The behaviour of the child in traffic is unstable, impulsive and determined by the instant. The surroundings are perceived generally and mainly emotionally, acoustic and optical stimuli cannot yet be adequately processed. Children of pre-school age have hardly any knowledge of road signs. Children with a high propensity to accidents are distinguished from other children by particular personality traits, they are for instance more extrovert, more active, more independent, more easily distracted, less well balanced and more aggressive.

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Library number
B 19534 /83.2 / IRRD 308504

Köln, Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, 1976, 131 p., 82 ref.

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