Verkeer en modelverkeer 1977 : beschrijving en toetsing van het verkeersmodel. Noordvleugelstudie 4.

Provinciale Waterstaat Noord- Holland. Rijkswaterstaat /Dienst Verkeerskunde. DHV Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau b. v.

The calculation of traffic movements with the aid of a computer is used since 1970. The method formulates, on the basis of a number of suppositions, connections between social economic characteristics of certain regions and the nature and extent of traffic movements in these regions. Social economic data of 1977 are used to calculate the movements by car, by public transport and by bicycle during peak hour for the Randstad, and in particular for the Noordvleugel of the Randstad.

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Library number
B 31995 /71 /72 /

Den Haag, Rijkswaterstaat /Dienst Verkeerskunde, 1982, 53 p. + app.

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