Verkeersongevallen en wegdekstroefheden : een onderzoek naar de statistische relatie tussen de stroefheid van het wegdek en de relatieve onveiligheid. Researchrapport van de Subcommissie V van de Werkgroep Banden, Wegdekken en Slipongevallen.

Schlösser, L.H.M

According to the terms of reference a statistical relationship was required to be established between the skidding resistance of a road-surface and the number of accidents per million vehicle kilometers, based on available data. The research procedure for studying skidding resistance was developed taking into consideration its possible use in future by the authorities in establishing a traffic safety programme. The research was carried out on the basis data referring to the years 1965 and 1966. It covers nearly all important dutch motorway systems. The relative road risk referred to in the terms of reference is expressed in the study in two ways. It seems probable that the relationship established by the investigation, that a lower degree of road surface skidding resistance is related to a higher degree of relative road risk, has a factual basis. It is recommended that as a general measure for traffic safety a minimum skidding resistance should be established for wet road surfaces. (there exist a dutch and an english version of this publication).


Library number
B 9234 [electronic version only] a+b /23 /82.1 / IRRD 219721

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1973, 27 p. + app., ref.; R-73-5 A+B

SWOV publication

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