Verkeersonveiligheid van brom- en snorfietsers : vergelijking van verschillende brom- en snorfietsmodellen. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Bos, J.M.J.

This report describes a study into the extent of road safety among moped and low-speed moped riders (In Dutch: "snorfietsers"), together with the risks attached to the users of the various types and models of (low-speed) mopeds. The study used two different types of data; accident and exposure data. From both types of data the accident ratios were calculated. These indicate how many riders, per unit of exposure, on an average, are victims of an accident. The ratios were calculated for each type and model of (low-speed) moped, and for the various combinations of age group and sex of the riders. The ratios describe the safety situation of (low-speed) moped riders, and provide a reference when evaluating any future (low-speed) moped measures. At the same time, this study compares the results of a similar study in 1993. The most important conclusion is that, since the 1993 study, a number of changes in the safety of (low-speed) moped riders have occurred, together with the ratios of the various types and models. It appears that these changes have been negative.


Library number
C 13297 [electronic version only] /91 /81 / IRRD E201453

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1999, 53 p., 2 ref.; R-99-18

SWOV publication

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