Verkeersprestatie van buitenlandse personenauto's en vrachtauto's in Nederland

beschrijvingen en resultaten van een verkeersonderzoek onder buitenlanders in Nederland t.b.v. een schatting van de verkeersprestatie in Nederland van motorvoertuigen met een buitenlands kenteken in relatie tot de verkeersprestatie van motorvoertuigen met een Nederlands kenteken

The results are presented of a traffic survey of foreigners in the netherlands. The aim was to compare the number of miles travelled by vehicles with a foreign number plate compared to those with a dutch number plate. The setting up and execution of this traffic survey can be considered as new and are discussed in detail. The study consists of three parts (1) a description of the field survey executed (2) presentation of the main study results and (3) an estimation of the number of vehicles having a foreign number plate as a percentage of total numbers of vehicles in the netherlands. It is shown that the share of both foreign cars and lorries in the total mileage on dutch roads is between 2% and 5%.


Library number
B 16370 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 247451

Voorburg, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1978, 82 p. + app., tab.; Rapport R-78-37

SWOV publication

This is a publication by SWOV, or that SWOV has contributed to.