Verkeersveiligheid als criterium voor het wegontwerp.

Janssen, S.T.M.C.

Road safety benefits relieve the road users' tasks. Two elements of the traffic system are distinguished: restrictions of movement and their predicability by the road user. The characteristics relevant to the road users' driving task are discussed. The functional demands that could be ascribed to the road characteristics are classified. Finally the present classification of the road network and the classification based on safety criteria are discussed.

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Library number
B 5618 (In: B 5616) /21.1 /83 / IRRD 211746

In: Wegontwerp en wegverlichting tegen de achtergrond van de verkeersveiligheid : pre-adviezen congresdag 1974, Utrecht, 6 december 1974, p. 13-40, 9 ref.

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