Verkeersveiligheid en gedragsbeïnvloeding : werkplan 2003 Verkeers- en Vervoersberaad Drenthe.


This working plan for 2003 is published by the Drenthe Transport Board, and it is the last working plan that is based on the Drenthe long-term perspective road safety policy note for the period 1999-2003. In the working plan, specific attention is paid to one of the main themes of the Board policy, namely road safety. Within this theme, emphasis is placed on the component behaviour, that is aimed mainly at influencing knowledge, insight, attitude, and skills of road users. This should lead to a safe use of traffic provisions, and a safe and social interaction between road users. Based on the Drenthe accident analysis conducted (see C 25553), it was determined to focus the projects of the working plan on the following three target groups: 4-12 year olds, novice drivers aged 16-35 years (for instance, young car drivers and young moped riders), and 60 year-olds and older. In the working plan, attention is also paid to other projects (for example, the development of knowledge of and insight into road safety).

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Library number
C 25552

Assen, Verkeers- en Vervoersberaad Drenthe, 2003, 40 p.

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.