Verkeersveiligheid en kwantitatieve besluitvormingsprocedures. Bijdrage ten behoeve van: Kwantitatieve methoden in het management, Aula Paperback, Spectrum, Utrecht.

Flury, F.C.

Traffic safety is not alone influenced by specific traffic safety measures but also by measures regarding traffic and transport. In general a decision making on measures for improving aims in a certain area of policy is based on expectations regarding the efficiency of the measrues relate to the policy aims and on the needed means for realization of the measures. Such expectaitions can be qualitative or quantitative.For the development of decision making procedures related to traffic safety the latter is dicussed.


Library number
B 22128 [electronic version only] /10/ IRRD 269554

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1982, 27 p., fig., 4 ref.; R-82-41 / Bijdrage ten behoeve van: Kwantitatieve methoden in het management, Aula Paperback, Spectrum, Utrecht.

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