Verkeersveiligheid van jonge autobestuurders in de periode 1985-1994 : ontwikkelingen in onveiligheid en enkele achtergronden daarvan. In opdracht van het Verbond van Verzekeraars, Afdeling Motorrijtuigen.

Twisk, D.A.M.

This study examines how the accident involvement of young car drivers in the Netherlands developed during the 1985-1994 period. As of 1994, young drivers were still a risk group; their involvement in serious accidents for every kilometre they drove was shown to be relatively high. This applied especially to young male drivers. The difference in risk (accident involvement per kilometres driven) between men and women remained fairly constant over this ten-year period. The number of young drivers involved in serious accidents in the 1985-1994 period decreased considerably, chiefly as a result of a sharp decrease in the number of kilometres driven. The decline in kilometres driven by this group was partially a result of the Student Pass for public transport being introduced which led to less students owning their own car. It was also partially a result of a social process in which less young non-students owned their own car and also less frequently appeared to have a driving licence. (A) See also IRRD 826480.


Library number
C 10986 [electronic version only] /83 /81 / IRRD 491152

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1998, 51 p., 2 ref.; R-98-18

SWOV publication

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