Verkeersveiligheidsconsequenties van nieuwe, bijzondere voertuigsoorten

veiligheid van de scootermobiel, open drie- en vierwielers en motorvoertuigen met beperkte snelheid. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.
Schoon, C.C. & Hendriksen, H.

In this report, the road safety consequences of the following three categories of `special vehicles' within the Netherlands are considered: (1) the invalid vehicle, in particular the scooter mobile (an electrically powered scooter with 3 wheels); (2) the 3 and 4-wheeled motor vehicles with an open body, and a maximum, possible speed of more than 25 km/h (quad, trike, fun-tech); and (3) slow, heavy motor vehicles (maximum 25 km/h), in particular the `motor vehicles with limited speed (limit)' category. These also include the regular agricultural vehicles and those motor vehicles that have been rebuilt to an `agricultural vehicle'. Safety analyses were performed: (a) to make recommendations for a further regulation of the behaviour of drivers of `special vehicles' considered; and (b) to determine on what road types these vehicles may be driven.


Library number
C 14899 [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD E201730

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2000, 70 p., 8 ref.; R-2000-9

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