Verkeersveiligheidsonderzoek in woongebieden : lezing in het kader van de voordrachtenserie "Van woonerf naar woonwijk" van het KIVI, Den Haag, 17 maart 1981.

Wegman, F.C.M.

In any literature it is found that the environment has been attacked by too many (Speeding and parked) cars, that people do not feel safe any more. These problems have to be tackled: by diminuating traffic, reducing speeds, increasing the attractiveness of the environment etc. Research results and practical experience can help in solving the conflicts and can lead to a useful and acceptable design.


Library number
B 22246 [electronic version only] /21/72/ IRRD 264142

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1982, 14 p., fig., ref.; R-82-8 / Bijdrage in: Van woonerf naar woonwijk, onder redactie van B. Bach, Den Haag, KIVI, 1982, p. 269-280

SWOV publication

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