Verkeersveiligheidsopgaven voor de Metropoolregio Amsterdam : probleemanalyse en taakstelling voor toekomstig beleid.

Schagen, I.N.L.G. van Stipdonk, H.L. Vlakveld, W.P. Weijermars, W.A.M. & Bos, N.M.

Road safety tasks for the Metropolitan Region Amsterdam : problem analysis and task setting for future policy. The Metropolitan Region Amsterdam (MRA) wants its road safety policy to tune in to developments and trends as much as possible. The MRA therefore asked SWOV to analyse road safety in the MRA in its entirety and in each of the four sub-areas that were defined (City Region Amsterdam (SRA), IJmond and Zuid-Kennemerland (West), Gooi and Vechtstreek (G&V), Province of Flevoland (FLE)). To this effect three questions needed to be answered: 1. What is the road safety level in the MRA and its sub-areas and how does it compare to the safety level in the rest of the Netherlands? 2. Which trends can be observed in the MRA in the fields of demography, technology, economics, etc. that may affect road safety developments in the coming years? 3. What are (hence) the main target groups and their backgrounds and the road safety tasks for road safety policy of MRA and its different sub-areas?


Library number
C 51224 [electronic version only]

Den Haag, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2014, 78 p., 48 ref.; R-2014-17A

SWOV publication

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