Verkehrsberuhigung in Wohnbereichen : Deutsch-Amerikanisches Symposium, St. Augustin, 17.-20. Juni 1980 : Referate, Kurzbeitrage, Kernsatze der Diskussion.


This conference capsulizes results of state of the art research on a broad range of techniques for residential street traffic control or traffic management. It also summarize findings of original research on resident preferences regarding traffic speed and volume on residential streets, on factors which affect drivers' speed choice on residential streets, and reviews legal considerations in neighbourhood traffic management.

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Library number
B 21364 /73/

St. Augustin, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Institut für Kommunalwissenschaften, 1980, 365 p., fig., tab., ref.

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This publication is one of our other publications, and part of our extensive collection of road safety literature, that also includes the SWOV publications.