Verkehrserziehung im Sekundarbereich. II: Beiträge zu einer Didaktik der Verkehrseziehung in der Oberstufe der Gymnasien und in den Berufsbildenden Schulen.

Klatt, R.

The adolescent of 15 years and older shows more and more a leaning towards recklessness, thoughtlessness, daring and inexorability. Therefore it is necessary to teach them in the schools a responsibility which they need as a driver or motorcyclist. In particular the difference between traffic and races, speed problems, accident causes, accident results and responsibility in traffic should be highlighted.

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Library number
B 14399 /83.5/ IRRD 301806

Braunschweig, Rot-Gelb-Grün Verlag, 1976, 160 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; RGG Schriftenreihe zur Verkehrserziehung, Band 33.

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