Verkehrssicherheit neuer Wohngebiete : Unfall- und Strukturanalyse von zehn Neubaugebieten.

Pfundt, K. Meewes, V. & Eckstein, K.

Ten new residential areas, designed and developed between 1960 and 1972, with different design features, have been studied. The results of the study of 1685 accidents lead to the conclusion that spatial segregation between motorized traffic and pedestrian plus two-wheel traffic is most essential in order to avoid conflicts.

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Library number
B 11334 /71/80/82/ IRRD 304336

Köln, Verband der Haftpflicht- Unfall- und Kraftverkehrsversicherer e.V. 1975, 98 p., 26 ref.; Mitteilungen der Beratungsstelle für Schadenverhütung ; No. 12

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