Verlaging van de leeftijdsgrens voor het besturen van bromfietsen. Afstudeerscriptie Verkeersacademie Tilburg.

Berlo, F. van

A study is made to the effect on traffic safety when the minimum age by which it is allowed to drive on a moped is lowered from 16 to 15 or even 14; and in particular how much more accident victims there will be. An analysis is made of the factors which influence the occurrence of accidents of the moped driver. While inexperience and young age are the main causes of accidents it is concluded that the be lowering of the minimum age is not justified.

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Library number
B 12701 /83/ IRRD 231146

Tilburg, Verkeersacademie, 1977, 42 p. + app., fig., graph., tab., ref.

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