Violation Enforcement System (VES).

Wagner, T.

A description is given of Technicon's Violation Enforcement System (VES) which offers an all-digital approach to the deterrence of violation in toll collection lanes. The VES is composed of an Image Capture Controller (ICC) and an Image Display Work Station and can be used in conjunction with manual, automatic or ETTM/AVI lane equipment. The operation of the system is outlined. Images of every vehicle are captured by a high resolution monochrome video camera. If the vehicle is classed as a violator the image is digitised and transferred either by network or to a removable `floptical' disc together with the transaction data. The image display process is described. A monitor mode is available for tracking any special condition, for performance monitoring and for accuracy testing.

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Library number
C 20737 (In: C 20695) /73 / IRRD 866070

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 199-201

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