Visie op het locatiebeleid in de Amsterdamse regio.

Brand-van Tuijn, H.A. Veggel, P.C. van & Slebos, J.C.

The Amsterdam region has developed a vision on regional guidelines for location policy. It contains a set of five types of environments, varying from an urban centre environment to an industrial estate The difference between the five environments is based upon economic quality (representation), the spatial quality (function mix) and the accessibility. The policy is written from a companies and services point of view. The formulated conditions provide attractive environments for companies and services. Restraining conditions are only formulated for situations in which the mechanisms in the market would lead to socially unwanted situations. The regional guidelines are limited to the aspects with regional impact That way, there is plenty of room for local adjustment. Each type of environment has a set of conditions, based upon characteristics of the businesses and services and a set of conditions regarding the spatial layout. The conditions have to be translated into a judicial review for municipalities. (Author/publisher)

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Library number
20021822 b15 ST (In: ST 20021822 b [electronic version only])

In: De kunst van het verleiden : 29ste Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Amsterdam, 28 en 29 november 2002, deel 2, p. 887-902, 1 ref.

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