Visual performance at mesopic light levels.

Lin, Y. Shao, H. Yao, P. & Zhou, T.

Visual performance at mesopic light levels is of importance for many practical applications at low light levels. Some relative research work has been done in many countries, while little in China. As we all know, China has a large population, which occupies nearly 1/5 of that of the world. Thus visual performance of Chinese has important representation. This article shows the result that we get with Chinese subjects, which were tested under different luminance at mesopic light levels with different contrasts. For the covering abstract see ITRD E123380.

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Library number
C 31208 (In: C 31161 b [electronic version only]) /71 /83 / IRRD E123427

In: Proceedings of PAL® 2001 - Progress in Automobile Lighting, held at Darmstadt University of Technology, Laboratory of Lighting Technology, September 25-26 2001, Darmstädter Lichttechnik Volume 9, p. 593-588, 6 ref.

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