Voruntersuchung zur Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit : Einzelbericht "Geschwindigkeiten innerhalb und ausserhalb geschlossener Ortschaften".

Spoerer, E.

This study deals with two problems: 1) speed (limit) at residential roads, 2) the possibility of a higher speed than 50 km/h. at some roads in a residential area. For point 1 a list of actions (programme) that have to be undertaken to investigate if a lower speed is feasible is given; it seems that a further investigation will be necessary before an answer to point nr. 2 can be given.

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Library number
B 16529 fo / 73.3 /

Köln, Forschungsgemeinschaft "Der Mensch im Verkehr ", 1975, 12 p.

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