The warning expert.

Laughery, K.R. & Wogalter, M.S.

This chapter describes how human factors and ergonomics specialists have increasing filled the role of a warning expert in civil litigation in recent years. Such litigation usually involves personal injury and product liability cases. This chapter reviews a few of the rules that govern product liability as it pertains to warning. The chapter then addresses several topics regarding the warning expert, including the expert's role, the definition of a warning expert, typical activities of a warning expert, and problems or issues associated with being a warning expert.

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Library number
C 45606 (In: C 45599) /83 / ITRD E839116

In: Handbook of human factors in litigation, edited by Y.I. Noy & W. Karwowski, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2004, p. 30-1 - 30-14

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