Wat kost dat? : standaardsystematiek voor kostenramingen in de GWW. Theorie + werkboek.


The second edition of "Standard system for estimating costs in the civil engienering sector" comprises the framework for project division, the standard investment model for estimating costs (with associated calculation model and terminology list) and the theory regarding deaing with risks and uncvertainties in the estimate. The system is comparable to the first edition (see ITRD record E201222), but the second, revised edition is further improved and supplemented. The key adition concerns the Standard Systrem for Estimating Cost Workbook, in which the reader is led through the successive steps of the estmiation process. The system links up well with cost estiamtion methods currently used by various organsiations in the civil engineering sector and contributes greatly to uniformity, which lies at the basis of all the system parts.

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Library number
C 25630 [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E208515

Ede, C.R.O.W kenniscentrum voor verkeer, vervoer en infrastructuur, 2002, 84 + 68 p., 27 ref. + CD-ROM; 2e verbeterde druk; Publicatie ; No. 137 - ISBN 90-6628-370-X

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