Wegversmallingen : een literatuuronderzoek naar de effecten op de verkeersafwikkeling en de verkeersveiligheid.


Most roads and streets in built-up areas do not only have a traffic function, but have also a function for dwellings, schools, shops, offices sited along those roads. Often the traffic function dominates in such a way that the quality of life is reduced. Measures should be taken to decrease the dominating position of motorized traffic. One of the countermeasures is to narrow the road. The main purpose of such a narrowing is that two cars can not pass each other. A number of recommendations are already given for the layout and construction of such narrow roads as regards their beneficial and harmful aspects. These are mainly based on experiences and opinions. In this report a literature review is presented on the effects of the narrowing of roads on traffic and traffic safety. Special attention is given to the area of application (road characteristics, traffic concentration and traffic composition), and layout.

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Library number
B 27982 /21 /73 /82 / IRRD 819006

Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Verkeerskunde DVK / Studiecentrum Verkeerstechniek / Amersfoort, DHV Raadgevend Ingenieursbureau B.V., 1987, 22 p., 16 ref.; Dossier No. 1- 2502- 05- 35.

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