White or yellow light for vehicle head-lamps? : arguments in the discussion in the colour of vehicle head-lamps.

Schreuder, D.A.

A research has been carried out as complete as possible to the validity of all arguments that have been put forward in the literature about the subject white versus yellow head-lamps in the cause of time. This book is an English translation of B 5931, B 5932, B 6507 and B 6703 (IRRD Nos. 211879, 211880, 213077 and 213415)


Library number
B 11671 [electronic version only] /83 /91 / IRRD 225782

Voorburg, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 1976, 54 p., graph., ref.; Publication No 1976 - 2E

SWOV publication

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