
11112 documents found.

Published: | Kentucky Transportation Center (prep.)
Published: | Erlingsson, S. & Carlsson, H.
Published: | Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Sacramento Area Council of Governments University of Arizona University of Illinois, Chicago Sonoma Technology, Inc. & Fehr and Peers
Published: | Wimsatt, A. White, J. Leung, C. Scullion, T. Hurlebaus, S. Zollinger, D. Grasley, Z. Nazarian, S. Azari, H. Yuan, D. Shokouhi, P. Saarenketo, T. & Tonon, F.
Published: | Gliebe, J. Bradley, M. Ferdous, N. Outwater, M. Lin, H. & Chen, J.
Published: | Noyce, D.A. Li, Z. Chesnik, K. Macy, A. & Qin, X.