10768 documents found.

Published: | Boase, J.; Ling, R.
Published: (Institute of Transport Economics TØI) | Sagberg, F.
Published: | Guo, F.; Simons-Morton, B.G.; Klauer, S.E.; Ouimet, M.C.; Dingus, T.A.; Lee, S.E.
Published: (CRC Press) | Stroup, W.W.
Published: | Kaplan, S.; Prato, C.G.
Published: | Johnson, M.; Newstead, S.; Oxley, J.; Charlton, J.
Published: (Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration) | Staplin, L.; Lococo, K.; Byington, S.
Published: | Harkey, D.L.; Reinfurt, D.W.; Knuiman, M.
Published: | Hobbs, M.; Mayou, R.; Harrison, B.; Worlock, P.