1163 documents found.

Published: | Richeval, C.; Gish, A.; Hakim, F.; Nachon-Phanithavong, M.; Wiart, J.-F.; Humbert, L.; Allorge, D.; Gaullier, J.-M.
Published: | Anderson, L.; Love, S.; Freeman, J.; Davey, J.
Published: | Ezzati Amini, R.; Katrakazas, C.; Riener, A.; Constantinos, A.
Published: | Back, T.T. de; Tinga, A.M.; Louwerse, M.M.
Published: (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD) | ITF International Transport Forum
Published: (TU Delft) | Hagenzieker, M.; Boersma, R.; Nuñez Velasco, P.; Ozturker, M.; Zubin, I.; Heikoop, D.

Published: (Society of Automotive Engenieers SAE)
Published: | Eby, D.W.; Molnar, L.J.; Zhang, L.; St Louis, R.M.; Zanier, N.; Kostyniuk, L.P.; Stanciu, S.
Published: (European Commission) | Hesjevoll, I.S.; Elvik, R.