14187 documents found.

Published: | Cepeda, N.J.; Pashler, H.; Vul, E.; Wixted, J.T.; Rohrer, D.
Published: | Russell, S.S.
Published: | Jamson, S.
Published: (Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 2003 annual meeting and exhibit compendium of technical papers) | Christopher M. Monsere, Brett Sposito, Samuel Johnston
Published: | Paas, F.; Renkl, A.; Sweller, J.
Published: (Lemma)
Published: (Psychology Press)
Published: (National Center for Injury Prevention and Control) | National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Published: | Mokdad, A.H.; Ford, E.S.; Bowman, B.A.; Dietz, W.H.; Vinicor, F.; Bales, V.S.; Marks, J.S.