12814 documents found.

Published: | Marmarou, A.; Lu, J.; Butcher, I.; McHugh, G.S.; Murray, G.D.; Steyerberg, E.W.; Mushkudiani, N.A.; Choi, S.; Maas, A.I.R.
Published: | Griffiths, J.; Fortune, G.; Barber, V.; Young, J.D.
Published: | Golan, J.D.; Marcoux, J.; Golan, E.; Schapiro, R.; Johnston, K.M.; Maleki, M.; Khetarpal, S.; Jacques, L.

Published: | Foreman, B.P.; Caesar, R.R.; Parks, J.; Madden, C.; Gentilello, L.M.; Shafi, S.; Carlile, M.C.; Harper, C.R.; Diaz-Arrastia,, R.R.
Published: | Considine, J.; Botti, M.; Thomas, S.
Published: | Carter, D.L.; Hunter, W.W.; Zegeer, C.V.; Stewart, J.R.; Huang, H.
Published: (Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 2003 annual meeting and exhibit compendium of technical papers) | Christopher M. Monsere, Brett Sposito, Samuel Johnston
Published: | Paas, F.; Renkl, A.; Sweller, J.
Published: (Lemma)