170 documents found.

Published: (European Road Safety Observatory, European Commission) | Goldenbeld, Ch.
Published: (Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport) | Kamphuis, K.
Published: (Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport) | Zwart, R. de
Published: | Van den Berghe, W.; Silverans, P.; Boudry, E.; Aarts, L.; Bijleveld, F.; Folla, K.; Yannis, G.
Published: (SWOV) | Jansen, R.J.; Bos, N.M.; Decae, R.J.
Published: (H2020 Levitate project) | Weijermars, W.; Hula, A.; Chaudhry, A.; Sha, S.; Zwart, R. de; Mons, C.; Boghani, H.
Published: (Baseline project, Vias institute) | Van den Berghe, W.; Nuyttens, N.; Segui Gomez, M.; Bijleveld, F.; Weijermars, W.
Published: (Baseline project, Vias institute) | Boets, S.; Schumacher, M.; Stelling, A.; Jankowska-Karpa, D.; Pavlou, D.