170 documents found.

Published: (Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport) | Zwart, R. de
Published: (SWOV) | Jansen, R.J.; Bos, N.M.; Decae, R.J.
Published: (ACM) | Petermeijer, S.M.; Tinga, A.M.; Reus, A. de; Jansen, R.J.; Waterschoot, B.M. van
Published: | Vlakveld, W.; Mons, C.; Kamphuis, K.; Stelling, A.; Twisk, D.
Published: | Goughnour, E.; Carter, D.; Lyon, C.; Persaud, B.; Lan, B.; Chun, P.; Hamilton, I.; Signor, K.; Bryson, M.
Published: (H2020 Levitate project) | Weijermars, W.; Hula, A.; Chaudhry, A.; Sha, S.; Zwart, R. de; Mons, C.; Boghani, H.
Published: (European Commission) | Cleij, D.; Bakker, B.; Borowsky, A.; Christoph, M.; Fiorentino, A.; Grondelle, E. van; Mano, D.; Nes, N. van