56 documents found.

A safe infrastructure is of vital importance to pedestrians and cyclists. In 2010-2019, 40% of the number of road deaths were pedestrians or cyclists. In 2018, they even made up 69% of the number of seriously injured road users.

A pedestrian fall or collision is only a road crash (pedestrian crash) when a moving vehicle is involved. Between 2010 and 2019, an annual average of 59 pedestrians were killed in road crashes. Between 1999 and 2019, the number of pedestrian road deaths dropped by 62%.

In the Netherlands, a sustainable road safety approach, in which measures in the fields of Engineering, Education and Enforcement (3Es) are complementary, has been used for decades. Enforcement reduces high-risk road user behaviour and is therefore an important component of this safe system approach.

Published: (ANWB) | ANWB; SWOV; Veilig Verkeer Nederland; Verbond van Verzekeraars; et al.
Published: (European Commission) | SafetyCube Consortium
Published: (SWOV) | SWOV
Published: (SWOV) | SWOV
Published: (SWOV) | SWOV