177 documents found.

Published: (La Prévention Routière Internationale PRI) | Thomas, P.; Morris A.; Yannis, G.; Evgenikos, P.; Lejeune, P.; Vis, M.; Ritsema van Eck, K.; Vallet, G.; Jahi, H.; Dupont, E.
Published: (European Commission) | Assum, T.; Holló, P.; Mathijssen, R.
Published: (European Commission) | Verbeke, T.; Goldenbeld, Ch.; Arsenio, E.
Published: (European Commission) | Eksler, V.; Schoon, C.; Holló, P.; Allenbach, R.
Published: (European Commission) | Holló, P.; Gitelman, V.; Schoon, C.; Amelink, M.
Published: (European Commission) | Morsink, P.; Louwerse, R.; Gitelman, V.; Papadimitriou, E.; Eksler, V.; Cardoso, J.; Arsenio, E.; Vieira Gomes, S.
Published: (Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 2003 annual meeting and exhibit compendium of technical papers) | Christopher M. Monsere, Brett Sposito, Samuel Johnston
Published: (Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Directie Brandweer) | Oei, H.-l.