Both for 2001-2010 [30] and 2011-2020 [31] the EU aimed for a 50% reduction of the number of road deaths.
In 2001-2010, the Netherlands achieved a 46% reduction of the number of road deaths, slightly less than the 50% reduction aimed for [32]. In that same period, other European member states also achieved substantial reductions of the number of road deaths: Germany 48%, Ireland 49%, Italy 42%, United Kingdom 47%, Austria 42%, Portugal 44%, Spain 50%, Sweden 54%. For the entire EU, the reduction was 43%.
For 2011-2019, the European Commission reports a 23% reduction of the number of (registered) road deaths in the entire EU [33], whereas in the Netherlands the number of (registered) road deaths increased by 9%. Countries that did achieve a major decrease of the number of road deaths in that period were Greece (34%), Ireland (33%), Lithuania (38%), Luxembourg (31%), Portugal (33%) and Spain (31%).