How effective is ABS


The use of ABS on motorcycles, has reduced the number of motorcycle crashes and, consequently, also the number of road deaths and serious road injuries among motorcyclists [39] [40]. ABS stands for Anti-Lock Braking System, a system that prevents the wheels from locking in case of heavy braking. When a vehicle with two wheels brakes and the front wheel locks up, the stabilising gyroscopic effect of the turning wheel disappears and the motorcyclist runs the risk of falling or skidding [41].

In Europe the effectiveness of ABS on motorcycles has been measured by, among others, Rizzi et al. [39]. They established a reduction in serious and fatal crashes by 34% in Italy and 43% in Spain and Sweden. In 2008, there were 22% fewer damage claims per motorcycle with ABS in the United States, and motorcycles with ABS had 37% fewer fatal crashes per 10,000 vehicle years, compared with the same types of motorcycle without ABS [40].

The disadvantage of this type of comparison studies is that it cannot fully correct for the fact that certain motorcyclists will choose ABS when they purchase a (new) motorcycle, whereas others will not. It could therefore be the already safe motorcyclists who choose ABS. The US study of Basch, Moore & Hellinga [42], however, indicates that it is not necessarily the safer motorcyclists who opt for a motorcycle with ABS. The study found no difference between the motorcyclists with and without ABS in the number of insurance claims that they annually made for their car.

Part of fact sheet


In 2015, 47 motorcyclists died in traffic in the Netherlands.

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