How much and where do pedestrians walk?


From 2010 to 2018, pedestrians walked an annual average of 5.6 billion kilometers (Figure 1; also see SWOV table ‘Kilometres travelled, calculated from data supplied by the ‘Survey of Journeys in the Netherlands’ (Statistics Netherlands), adjusted for holiday traffic’: [1]).

Figure 1. Distance travelled by pedestrians in 2010-2018 (source: Statistics Netherlands, OVIV/ODiN data (2018), edited by SWOV, including an estimate of holiday traffic and an addition of child data (2018) [1]).

The distance travelled by pedestrians in Figure 1 is 2.8% of the distance travelled by all road users in 2010-2018. In 2017, 18% of all trips were pedestrian trips [1]. It should be noted that this is an underestimate of the actual number of trips.

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A pedestrian fall or collision is only a road crash (pedestrian crash) when a moving vehicle is involved. Between 2010 and 2019, an annual… Meer

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