What are the requirements for the design of intersections?


There are no legal requirements for the design of different types of intersection. Sustainable Safety does, however, include recommendations (for a description, see the section What is the ideal intersection according to Sustainable Safety? ) and CROW also makes several design recommendations:

  • Basic characteristics intersections and roundabouts (CROW) – Design recommendations for intersections in and outside the urban area [1]
  • Road Design Manual (CROW) – Design recommendation for intersections in and outside the urban area [8]
  • ASVV (CROW) - Design recommendations for intersections in the urban area [7]

Since there are no legal requirements for the layout of intersections (nor the layout of road sections), uniformity is not guaranteed. Guidelines are easier to circumvent than legal requirements. This is as it should be, since the situation is different everywhere and therefore a similar design for every intersection would be impossible. Furthermore, the space available for the intersection and the environmental characteristics also come into play. They affect what an intersection will look like in a given situation.

Part of fact sheet

Roundabouts and other intersections

About one third of the road deaths on Dutch roads occur at intersections. Within the urban area, this amounts to half and outside the urban area to Meer

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